An Interesting Paper

Shape conveyed by visual-to-auditory sensory substitution activates the lateral occipital complex Amir Amedi 1,2, William Stern 1, Joan A. Camprodon 1, Felix Bermpohl 1,3, Lotfi Merabet 1, Stephen Rotman 1, Christopher Hemond 1, Peter Meijer 4 and Alvaro Pascual-Leone This paper reports some functional characteristics of a part of brain known as the lateral-occipital tactile-visual (LOtv) area. Traditionally, this part is known to be activated when a person observes the shape of an object through vision or touch. In this paper, it is claimed that this part of brain is responsible for analyzing shape of an object regardless of the …

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Mighty Mind : Phantom Limb

Few weeks back I watched a DVD borrowing from Netflix named “The Secrets of Mind”. It is an interesting documentary delving into the deep of human mind, nature and consciousness. It features some work of famous neuroscientist Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran. This post is mainly a summary of that documentary in my own language.

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