A snippet in OpenCV for some useful mathematical operations. It mostly focuses on the old opencv style matrix to new opencv style matrix conversion (and vice-versa) and some elementary mathematical operations. It also includes a trivial matrix display function. I’ll give a more robust matrix display function in future.
Author: itanveer
Installing OpenCV 2.3.1 in Windows
This tutorial guides you through the process of installing OpenCV 2.3.1 in windows using Visual Studio 10. OpenCV changes its installation process from version to version and sometimes make it too confusing to work properly. In this tutorial I’ll try to mention as much details as possible in the installation process of OpenCV.
My experience in ACII 2011
I have attended several sessions of the conference, Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2011 and an associated workshop named Machine Learning and Affective Computing (MLAC). It was held from 9th to 12th of Oct. It was a great experience to attend a conference directly related to my working area. Several important points in current research trends came up in the sessions which worth some thoughtful discussions.
Paper review: Neural Reorganization Following Sensory Loss: The Opportunity of Change
Merabet, L. B. & Pascual-Leone A. Neural Reorganization Following Sensory Loss: The Opportunity of Change, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, vol 11, pp 44-52, 2009 It is apparent from a long growing mass of evidences that the part of a brain responsible for processing information from a particular sensory channel gets recruited for other activities after loss of that particular channel. This phenomenon is referred to as “neuroplastic” behavior of brain. When it contributes to the improvement of other sensory channels, it is called “crossmodal neuroplasticity”. This paper refers to a considerable amount of reported evidences on crossmodal neuroplasticity following sensory deprivation and came …
An Interesting Paper
Shape conveyed by visual-to-auditory sensory substitution activates the lateral occipital complex Amir Amedi 1,2, William Stern 1, Joan A. Camprodon 1, Felix Bermpohl 1,3, Lotfi Merabet 1, Stephen Rotman 1, Christopher Hemond 1, Peter Meijer 4 and Alvaro Pascual-Leone This paper reports some functional characteristics of a part of brain known as the lateral-occipital tactile-visual (LOtv) area. Traditionally, this part is known to be activated when a person observes the shape of an object through vision or touch. In this paper, it is claimed that this part of brain is responsible for analyzing shape of an object regardless of the …
Mighty Mind : Phantom Limb
Few weeks back I watched a DVD borrowing from Netflix named “The Secrets of Mind”. It is an interesting documentary delving into the deep of human mind, nature and consciousness. It features some work of famous neuroscientist Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran. This post is mainly a summary of that documentary in my own language.
OpenCV 2.3 released
I did not check with OpenCV for a few months. Today I noticed that a new version of OpenCV is released. This wonderful vision library is getting better and better in every release. Last time, I felt poorly about the documentation on OpenCV. I found most of its documents are just the comments provided during writing the codes which somebody has extracted using tools like Doxygen etc. Now in 2.3, the documentation page has been changed thoroughly. It has been divided into three major parts: API reference, User Guide and Tutorials. The tutorials part is open for anybody to contribute on a …
A Latex template for preparing thesis in the University of Memphis
As a student of the University of Memphis I was always bothered by the fact that the graduate school does not give any latex template. Not only that, they always assume everybody will use Microsoft Word. All the instructions in the thesis/dissertation preparation and submission process are written with the assumption of Word usage. It looks very pathetic to me. So I decided to write my Masters thesis is latex and in the process I wanted to make a latex template according to the University of Memphis requirements. After many grueling hours of handling the core of latex, finally I …
Some interesting linear algebra theories
if and are subspaces for a vector space then is a subspace (of ). Definition: denotes the set of all the vectors possible to construct by adding a vector from with a vector from where and may be either set of vectors or subspace of vectors. If and are subspaces for a vector space then is the smallest subspace which contain both and .
পশ্চাত্ জানালা ও কিছু অঙ্গুলীয় (digital) ভাবনা
গতকাল একটা সিনেমা দেখলাম – “Rear Window”। এটা যারা দেখেছেন তাদের জন্যই এই লেখা, যারা দেখেননি তাদের জন্য নয়।